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Title: Модель управління розвитком професійної компетентності вчителя нової української школи у процесі методичної роботи
Other Titles: А model of managing the development of professional competence of teachers of the new Ukrainian school in the process of methodological work
Authors: Проценко, І. І.
Бикова, М. М.
Protsenko, І.
Bikova, М.
Keywords: професійна компетентність
Нова українська школа
модель управління професійною компетентністю
внутрішньошкільна методична робота
вчитель Нової української школи
критеріії рівня сформованості управління професійною компетентністю
professional competence
New Ukrainian school
model of professional competence management,
in-school methodological work
teacher of the New Ukrainian school
criteria of the level of formation of professional competence management
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: УІПА
Citation: Проценко І. І. Модель управління розвитком професійної компетентності вчителя нової української школи у процесі методичної роботи / І. І. Проценко, М. М. Бикова // Проблеми інженерно-педагогічної освіти : зб. наук. пр. / Укр. інж.-пед. акад. - Харків, 2021. - № 70. - С. 47-55
Series/Report no.: № 70;
Abstract: The professional activity of a teacher of the New Ukrainian School is determined not only by the amount of educational tasks to be solved, but also by the significance of this period for the whole development and formation of the child's personality, values and worldview. The purpose of the article is to develop and experimentally test a management model for the development of professional competence of teachers of the New Ukrainian School in the process of in-school methodological work. In order to verify the effectiveness of the structural-logical model of managing the development of professional competence of primary school teachers in the process of in-school methodological work, purposeful observation of the activities of teachers of the New Ukrainian School and questionnaires were used; testing, pedagogical experiment, analysis of teachers' performance were conducted. In the presented research the developed model includes three basic blocks: target, managerial, and diagnostic-corrective. Each of these blocks consists of the main components: the target block determines the purpose and objectives of the management process of professional competence formation of the New Ukrainian school teachers; the managerial block reflects the scientific approaches, conditions of formation, stages of implementation of the model, methods, tools, principles and leading ideas; the diagnostic-corrective block reflects the criteria and levels of professional competence. The model has the following stages: target, prognostic, productive-creative, and final. The criteria for identifying the level of management of professional competence development are determined: awareness of artifacts; awareness of the system of orders; management of the system of values in professional activity, understanding of the system of knowledge; essence, structure, content and technologies of professional activity of a teacher of the New Ukrainian school.
ISSN: 2074-8922
Appears in Collections:Проблеми інженерно-педагогічної освіти (Збірник наукових праць)

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